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Intentional AFK with 1m+ gold so not afraid of reports

AuthorIntentional AFK with 1m+ gold so not afraid of reports
Player intentional AFK after admitting defeat before game started

This player has 1.8m gold but is playing CG with budget artifacts and shit build.

Clearly doesn’t care about winning as he went AFK and surrendered immediately.
Before battle begin:
! [BarbKing]: we are slow to kill, dead

And then afk immediately.


Another interesting note.

He has lost the last 14 commander guild battles in A ROW.

Looks like intentional trolling to me. Maybe 200-300k fine will wake him up.
As a first reported offence it will be warning 1 gold or fine 1000, after that it doubles with repetative fines
To kchong:

You are wrong, there is no intentional trolling to you; and my parameters are not that good, don't be too mad when losing one game, by the way, just win one 2v2 with lvl15.
U went intentional afk after admitting loss before battle lmao

Your parameters are not good because you’re playing with budget shop arts

U LOST 15 CG BATTLES IN A ROW LMAO (mine was 15th battle)

Players like u should be banned in CG. And heavily penalized for trolling
Let me see if I got logic right

- u use shitty arts, budget arts despite having 1.8m gold
- enters battle and see opponents with better stats
- complains opponents too strong and then go afk

- now saying ur not trolling?

Admins please give this guy 200-300k fine to wake him up, thanks.

U can see in battle he complained he can’t win then go afk from the start. He didn’t even play a. Single move. Also trolling, 15 LOSSES IN A ROW NOT TROLLING?
Anyone not seeing this?


Player has won 1 to 2 games out of his last 20 cg battles.

That’s 5-10% WR. Admins do something thanks
Imagine how someone feels already by having that win rate, maybe some encouragement and pointers from yourself would be more suitable than public shaming and a demand for a huge penalty?
for merlin36:
He chooses to play in budget arts lmao

And then complains about stats. Look at his battle history. Guy doesn’t care.

He playe CG to lose and farm points by losing. No idea how this is not bannable.
So you are being jealous that he has more gold than you?
CG has minimum AP requirement. If he was allowed in he was wearing enough gear and it is decision how and what gear he uses.
Leaving battle is not fair tho.
true i have no problem with not wearing enough gear, thats a problem game need to fix,

but if he is complaining about the opponent at start of the match,
! [BarbKing]: we are slow to kill, dead

and then proceeds to afk without making single move.

seems pretty intentional to me. why complain opponent hard to kill when you are playing in budget arts lmao.

also come on defense build and goblin archer?

5% WR should be banned in CG. he has CG 6 so imagine how many people got trolled by him


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