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I live in the US and I am curious what is wrong with Trump apart from his sassy small talks.
People around often say words like “Fck trump”, and “trump is the worst”, but I don’t really see the facts. Georgia case seem a bit artificial to me - yes, there was a small coup, but I dont see a big deal.

What in your opinion is the worst thing about trump? Some people say they might go to Canada if trump is elected next year. I feel like this is a bit exaggerated.
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This is easier answered in reverse.

What is good about Trump?

His special skill is making people believe he is one of the people on their side, when he is only on his side. Everyone is collateral damage to his needs.

And that is the root of what is worst about Trump
His special skill is making people believe he is one of the people on their side, when he is only on his side.

Agreed. He promise a lot more that he actually does. Every politician does that, but Trump does that more than anyone. However, I am curious about active actions, as people claim that US steeply going down under his reign .
ISIS, which was a big "threat" the entirety of the obama administration was deleted from existance 2 weeks after he got in office. strongest evonomy in 40 years, everyones 401k and stocks skyrocketed almost overnight when he was elected and basically plumeted when biden stole election.

he only didnt accomplish more because entire demorat party delayed/tried to stop him on everything and they tried to witchhunt impeach him like 4 times. even now media doesnt cover hunter bidens case at all and even less about bidens incompetance and likely active participation. all in all it is fairly easy to see there are behind the scenes parties influencing media to be anti trump while covering for bidens mistakes/failures since china basically owns him.
for slayerofall:
lol, dude, did it ever occurred to you that strongest evonomy in 40 years, everyones 401k and stocks skyrocketed was just a good coincidence? If anything, I’d expect stock market to dip after his election, as he is less predictable than his peers.
for Another Player:

close call from me
for ÏàíåëüíûéÄîì:
i dont believe in coincidence. I believe in cause and effect. :)
Dude should be in jail not the white house
for slayerofall:
Correlation not causation
many people dislike him for how he handled the coronavirus. i think it's also telling how few people remain on good terms with him. in 1 year they are a trusted advisor and the best for the job, and in the next year he's trashing them at a press conference saying how incompetent they are
my biggest issue is that the US politicians are too old. Too many representatives voting on issues that they won't live to see the effect of, many of which are greedy and for personal gain, corporate lobbyist come to mind here. the retirement age in the US is 65, yet we regularly have politicians over that age. wisdom is valuable, but in the case of trump, biden, and many others, they're a bit too old to have an impartial view
for techy:
In the US due to the size the wealth needed to campaign and have a chance of winning a primary is huge, you also need to have enough countrywide appeal and recognisability to even get over the smallest of first hurdles. The older you are the more likely you have enough money and are to be recognised to have a chance. As such there is very much a selection pressure for older candidates.

The other thing is you have to have a minimum age of 3 to be president. Most people by this age may have kids, though not grown up. Being the President of the US and still actively raising kids I cannot imagine working. As such it is not really until anyone with kids is likely to be 50-55 that there kids have flown the nest and they could commit to being the President without failing their kids.
for techy:
Interesting, thanks for the response. And I totally share your view - the president and key people in the administration should be younger. Wisdom is good, but they simply cannot catch up with the modern world. It is beneficial to have a fraction of older people - for diversity of the views, but not to that extreme.
for Lord MilesTeg:

Yeah, there are plenty of logistical and financial hurdles to the actual campaigning for presidency in the US. However, Biden and Trump were both older than average.

When entering office, presidents were the following ages: Carter 52, Reagan 69, HW Bush, 64, Clinton 46, Bush 54, Obama 47, Trump 70, Biden 78.
Plenty of people are rooting for Trump to run again, where he will enter office at 78 if he wins, and if Biden runs again, he will start his 2nd term in his 80s. To me, this puts Americans between a rock and a hard place. Meanwhile Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein, and other members of congress are quite old. The average age of congress is currently 58, while the average age of Americans is 38. A 20 year discrepancy is too high, IMO. 10 years would be much more representative.
btw i got my info from wikipedia and google, some of it may be slightly off, but I believe the trends are the same. While this is getting a little off topic, I think it does point to a growing concern among Americans that their representation, Trump included, is not as good as it could be
for Lord MilesTeg:
The other thing is you have to have a minimum age of 3 to be president. Most people by this age may have kids, though not grown up. Being the President of the US and still actively raising kids I cannot imagine working. As such it is not really until anyone with kids is likely to be 50-55 that there kids have flown the nest and they could commit to being the President without failing their kids.

There are plenty of professions that require 60+ hours of work per week, constant traveling and so on, yet these people manage to raise kids. I think the issue is recognition and respect in the political party - older manage to succeed in that.
There are plenty of professions that require 60+ hours of work per week, constant traveling and so on, yet these people manage to raise kids.

Having not been president myself it's hard to say but I imagine it's pretty much a 24 hour a day job.

I would guess a major head of state has almost every single minute of the day scheduled. Even outside of 'work hours' (probably something like 08:00 - 20:00) there will be scheduled meals, exercise, reading, briefings etc.

Outside of work hours you will be travelling and likely listening to briefings/doing paperwork whilst on the road/in the air.

I would be surprised if a major head of state has even 1 hour a day of truly free time. Even when relaxing/in bed there is stress, anxiety etc. that stops them from truly switching off.
A retard far right wich did whatever he did with his father name and money and loans that never returned, who has no touch with base and reality, who is not even a succrfull buisnesman not a politician, who can start a civil war and not even unterstand how he it happened, yeah a right choice, far far right!
There are plenty of professions that require 60+ hours of work per week, constant traveling and so on, yet these people manage to raise kids. I think the issue is recognition and respect in the political party - older manage to succeed in that.

While true I work as a teacher at an independent school and can assure you while this happens there are negative consequences to it. This in turn would mean some (or many) would delay or not go down that career path until later.
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